Monday, February 23, 2015

Lil' Ms Sunshine

This is Rosie, I thought it only fair that she also got a blog entry, since Freya got one recently, and it's not hard to ramble about cats when you're a crazy cat lady (try and stop me!), so, here goes.

Rosie is the queen of our house. She expects to be treated like royalty, and she'll tell you if there's something she wants - like when she wants some fine dining. None of our cat quite have the power of persuasion she has, I simply cannot resist her when she runs, round and round in small circles around my legs, purring and miaoing in her special way.

You see, she has a very unusual way of "speaking" - it's more like a nasal "meeee meeee meeee" and let me tell you, it's adorable! If you ever try to imitate it, she'll respond very strongly to you - whenever Mr or I do it, she comes running, all happy and purring.
She's very special that way.

Rosie is also a bit of a scaredy cat. She's afraid of a multitude of strange things, ranging from Mr's black coat to anything that makes rustling sounds. When we first moved to our house, she moved into one room at a time, gradually getting used to the new smells and sounds.

Her favorite toys are hair bands, and they are especially interesting when they can be found on her mistress' head. It has come to the point when I cannot have them anyplace where she's able to reach them, because, with her nose, which will put the even best bloodhound to shame, she'll go sniff sniff sniff, and find them faster than I can say mischief.

I love my little queen, long may she reign, and may her days be filled with treats and scrunchies!


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