Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 6 - Pet

It's been a long day today! Don't get me wrong though, it's been a good one. I got lots of stuff done at the office, went to after-work with my colleagues, and had a couple of glasses of nice wine. Not too shabby! As I went home, I only had one thing left to do - take a photo of a pet.

Easier said than done! None of my cats were cooperative today! I chased them around for nearly an hour and never managed anything better than a few snapshots. I even edited some of them, desperate to make them into something better, but no matter what I did the results were subpar. After a lot of frustration my kitty got just as tired as I was, and then I finally managed to get a decent shot of her, as she drifted off to sleep. Good night dear readers, sleep tight, I know I will ;)



  1. Awww she is a cutie, especially because she finally decided to cooperate :) Good perseverance on your part :)

  2. Love the sleeping pose, what a cute face. Cats can be so contrary I am glad you won out in the end...

  3. Congratulations on succeeding in the end! Perseverance can sometimes pay, off, sometimes the photos just get worse the longer you try (especially with animals and children!), but I'm glad you kept at it, the angle is lovely :)

  4. What a gorgeous, serene shot, and with those whiskers against the dark background it makes a perfect end to it all. Well done that all your efforts paid off!

  5. Thank you, I'm glad you all like it :)

  6. AWWW. this is adorable. She seems to be really comfy! Beautiful as always!

  7. Oh I love this shot. The way you've managed to get the essence of a sleeping cat in such a tight crop is awesome!

  8. Not giving up handed you the perfect shot. They are such darlings when they sleep ;)


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