Monday, May 11, 2015


It has been quite some time since I did abstracts, which is why this is today's photo. I did a lot of them about a year ago for the 30-day challenge, and I loved the way it taught me to look upon the world - in terms of lines, color and harmony, or lack thereof...

This is a picture of a wall, I've never been a fan of modern architecture, and I would hate to live in such a building, but, as a subject for photography, modern architecture can be quite interesting. Clear lines and color, blended with rugged materials is not a bad idea.

Pictures like this often generate one of two reactions - either you love them, or you hate them. I have to admit, that prior to last year's challenge I belonged to the second category, though that was the point of my choice back then. My trail of thoughts was that if you shoot abstracts every day for 30 days, you're bound to gain some understanding and appreciation of the genre, and I have to say that I did! Shooting a really good abstract isn't at all as easy as I used to believe, and even if someone hates your shot, hey, at least it moved them in some way haha.

So what category do you belong to? Do you hate or love abstracts? Do they make you think or make you shrug? There's nothing wrong with belonging to either category, as long as you take the works of genre for what they are - someone's attempt to move you.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

Life is Beauty

... or some other cryptic heading haha (silly Facebook must be rubbing off on me). Sorry, but it seemed to fit the photo :). Well anyway, for those of you who have been following me, are wondering or are just curious, I really like where I am at right now. I've recently changed careers - from school teacher to... ehm, I'm not really sure how to describe my new job (it's quite unique) but it's a desk job, and it has to do with law, news and court records. I've worked with this before, at the same company, and it's still great!

Well, as I was saying, I really like it. Don't get me wrong though, I really loved teaching too, however, this new job has proven to be better for me - when it comes to health. It's been said now and again in Swedish media (and I'm sure it's not unique to my country) that teaching is one of the most stressful and demanding professions of all. Since I am a bit too ambitious for my own good (I'm a bit of a workaholic), and tend to get a bit too involved with what I do, it has became too big for me at times, which affected my sleep a lot.

So, for the reasons mentioned, I jumped at the chance of this new job, which offered better hours, less stress, better chances of advancement, and a significant salary increase (plus, it's fun too)! So however sorry I am to leave teaching, I have to say that this has been really good for me. Though I have to admit, I do miss my students, the thrill of teaching and all the good times we had.

So, to all of my old colleagues, thank you for the memories, the laughs and the tears. It's been a pleasure! And to all of my new colleagues, thank you for welcoming me back, I'm so glad to be with you again, and I'll see you tomorrow :)


Monday, May 4, 2015

Beautiful May

So, May is here, and the trees are blooming! This is one of my favorite times of the year, even more so now than before! Because, you see, this year is the vary first year that our garden has been "finished" (if there ever is such a word when talking about gardens).

So, this year, I get to see all our hard work paying off, and one by one, the plants and seeds that I've cared for awake and blossom in all their splendor. I cannot halp myself, I'm positively giddy haha.

Who would have thought that I would become so involved in gardening!? Five years ago my main reason for not buying a house was gardening! I've always hated it with all my heart.  But now, things are very different... Maybe it's maturity finally catching up with me (yeah who are we kiddin' haha!) or maybe it's because this time it's actually my own garden (most likely!), and I get to decide everything for myself (that's what I'm talkin' about!) but now, I cannot help but keep myself away!

So happy spring to you, and happy gardening :)


My Father, a Tribute to a Kind Man

This blog post is going to be longer than usual, and even so, how can one summarize one's feelings and memories of a person within the p...