Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 7 - Harvest Soup

Today we had tomato soup for breakfast again, yum! We make it from scratch using our home grown tomatoes and herbs, and It's very easy to make.

Run tomatoes in a food mixer and pour them into a saucepan until you get the amount you want, heat it on the stove. Fry some minced unions in butter for a short while, so that they stay crispy. Add the unions to the soup and put in some herbs, pepper, salt, tomato puree, bouillon and cream. Viola! Ready so serve.

The soup can be made real quick, but the post-ed of this photo was a lot more work. I had trouble getting the white balance right, since I shot this indoors and autumn is a bit problematic when it comes to light here up north. You either end up with too much yellow or too much cyan. I tried to get use of the daylight as good as I could, shooting near a window, I hope it turned out alright. Any pointers or tips are welcome. :)



  1. Lovely composition! I'm not an fan of tomato soup, but that actually looks tasty! Do you can?

    1. With all the tomatoes we have, maybe I should haha :)

  2. I love fall and I love fall and winter soups. Since it's in the 80's outside today, I'm longing for some fall weather! The soup and ingredients look good, very yummy. As for the picture I might have cropped off a bit more of the top to make it more like 1/3 bottom veggies and 2/3 top, instead of 1/4 and 3/4 which it looks closer to me now. BTW, I don't see the harsh contrast at all from yesterday.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I agree with you, and I would have cropped it that way, if it was "possible", but I want all my pictures to have the same format - for the final poster ;)

  3. The food color is perfect. The idea to shoot near a window with outdoor light is the best one. I, like Carol, think that you have a bit too much head room but perhaps not as much as she says. I would just crop off the half of the top tile that we see but still quite a nice composition. The food and the soup look yummy.

    1. Thank you Maggie, I would have cropped it more, but I want all my pictures to have the same format - for the final poster ;)

  4. Such beautiful beautiful veggies. We cannot even find them that perfect in the stores. I really like the multi colored one...but all the colors are wonderful.

  5. By itself I agree with having slightly less room at the top, but when I look at this photo all I see is the base for a recipe in a cookbook. That empty space would be perfect to put the written recipe!

    1. Thank you, neat Idea with the recipe, I like it :). Normally, I would have cropped it that way, but I want all my pictures to have the same format - for the final poster ;)

  6. Beautiful colours, the red is vivid and the green leaves are sharp. Brava!

    I agree with the cropping comments. I would try a squared one, just for fun :)

    1. Thank you, I would have cropped it more tighly, if it was "possible", but I want all my pictures to have the same format - for the final poster ;)

  7. Yum! Homemade soup, one of the best parts of Fall.

  8. Soup for breakfast?? The ingredients look good, very pleasing still life, save a bowl for my diner ;)

    1. Thanks, Yeah I know, Mr and I are a bit strange when it comes to what we eat for breakfast :)

  9. Very nice photo and I really like the composition. It's just right :-)

  10. great colours it's a good still life photo i may shot something like that in the month
    thank you for the idea

    1. Thank you. Cool! I look forward to seeing it :)


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