Friday, August 14, 2015

Summer Glow

I went chasing butterflies again today, I just cant help myself! I've been looking forward to this all summer. It sort of reminds me of when I was a kid, waiting for my birthday to finally arrive haha. You see, I was born i August. All summer long I waited for the big day, and when it finally came, it was just marvelous! There was just one downside - my birthday always meant that the summer holidays were nearing the end, and as the days grew shorter again, autumn drew closer and closer. Now that I'm not that fond of my birthday anymore, the blooming butterfly bushes has taken over that role, the role of something you look forward to, but don't really want to experience, not just yet. A weird, bitter sweet sort of thing...

Anyway, having shot many, many butterflies, I've come to the conclusion that they're easiest to shoot late in the afternoon. That way, the sun shines beautifully on their pretty wings and accentuates their textures. Lovely, don't you think? Also, the low angle of the sun illuminates them so well, it's less likely their fast movements will result in motion blur. Quite neat, I must say.


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