Monday, July 1, 2019

Day 62 - Forum Romanum

We are nearing the end of my Rome series, sort of, there are still more than two weeks of photos that I want to edit but since I'll spend some time off work soon I want to take a break from this as well and maybe even build up a new batch of shots to edit as I come back later. Therefore I'll speed up my challenge and show you more than one shot a day, every day, until we reach the end.

Today's shots are from the Roman Forum. It's an ancient plaza that once was the very heart of the Roman empire as it was surrounded by several important government buildings, some as old as the 8th century BC. It was a place for speeches, elections, trials and even gladiatorial matches, but now only ruins are left. Sadly much of it was cannibalized and used as building materials as the place started to fall apart from exposure to nature in the 8th century AD. Later, as the interest in archaeology grew the pieces started finding their way back again though different means but there's no way of knowing how much is still missing. I was told there was even a great map that carved into stone once, but that too got broken apart, so who knows where all the pieces ended up... The forum will never be what it was, but as we learn more and more about it, history is reconstructed. Now it's a popular place to visit and a wonderful place to learn about the past.



  1. I like that top shot. :) Wonder if they are looking for someone that is great at putting jigsaw puzzles together (ha). ;-)

    1. From the looks of things they should also look for someone who loves building blocks ;)

      Thank you :)


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