Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 29 - Early Dusk

I shot this as I got home today. Sweden has reached the point when it's dawn as I go to work, and dusk as I go home. Daylight savings will end in a month... It feels like we're living in Mordor for 4 months each year.

Yes, the day's grow shorter now, and the angle of the sun becomes more and more acute. The lack of light causes the body to stop producing vitamin D3, and a lack of vitamin D3 can make you feel tired. Therefore, Mr and I try to think of what we eat during the winter.

Vitamin D3 can be found in a verity of healthy foods, like fish, egg yolks and various deary products - which isn't a problem for us, since we usually eat a lot of all those things.

For a long time Mr and I have been very strict with what we eat. Periodically we have not eaten anything sugary at all, nor any fast food or snacks. Stress, however has finally gotten the best of us, and nowadays we eat fast food far more often than I'd like (not to mention snacks, I have a thing for salty things). But at some point, I guess you just have to give in, and be "sloppy" for a while. I look forward to when things calm down and I can take the time to cook again.



  1. It's nice to see a few wisps of clouds in the sky. Days here are getting shorter and I wish they would always leave us on Dailylight Savings Time so that our days didn't seem to end as quickly.

    You make me feel guilty as I often don't eat as healthily as I should - no sugar at all... you are way braver than I. I have a bit of a sweet tooth and just made a blueberry pie. Haven't had any since last year and it is so yummy! :-D

    Only one more day until this challenge is over. I hope you continue with your blog as I will miss coming here to see what you've taken pictures of and especially like that you not only post but write an accompanying little story. It put me into your head space and helps me see your world through your eyes.

    1. I've thought that too, they should just leave it on summer time all year around! It's much better if it's light in the afternoon than if it's light in the "morning" - in December it's dark when you get to work anyway, so it doesn't do any good.

      Aaaaw, don't feel guilty! Let me tell you, I've been real sloppy today! Do you know what I ate when I got home from work? Carrot cake and cheez doodles haha! Just terrible, I know!

      Thank you Maggie, I'm so glad you like my random rambling :). Actually, I've decided try and write a line or two now and again - since I've discovered that this place has some viewers each day, even if I don't post. So why not :). It's fun blog :)

  2. I like the silhouette . I can definitely relate to having sloppy days. But now we are coming out of winter I have realised I have gained a little bit of a tummy, so I have been trying to eat a little bit healthier of late. Winter is terrible for comfort eating, so I'm trying to get out of that habit!

    1. I always loose weight during stressful periods, I eat more junk food than I'd like, but, since I don't have time to eat, I eat less. However as my pants are getting looser, my skin is getting more fatty, and I get more pimples... there's always something isn't it haha, dang carbs!


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