Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 23 - Golden Moments

I've been meaning to shoot these rose hips for a long time now, but the lighting hasn't been favorable until today. They grow in a place that is usually shaded at the time I when go to work (and they're shaded when I walk home too), but the light has drawn nearer and nearer each morning, as the days grow shorter. Today was the day, today they finally glowed as the early sun rays hit them.

Today has been filled with those little moments of happiness. I just love days like that. Somehow my Mondays are usually very stressful and I come home with a frown on my face, but Tuesdays, Tuesdays are very nice. Fridays are even better though, for obvious reasons ;). There's nothing like sitting back with a hot cuppa (or a nice glass of wine) on a Friday afternoon, plus, Fridays are "fika days" at work. If you've ever been in Sweden you'll know what I'm talking about haha.

What's your favorite day of the week?



  1. Ah, rose hips. When I was a small girl, there was a girl that lived with her grandmother at the end of the street. She would make rose hip juice or something. It was sweet and pink. I'm don't really remember if I liked it. Your rose hips remind me that I should go check on mine; perhaps I will be as lucky as you and get some good light to capture as nice an image as yours.
    As for fika - Kanelbullar eller dammsugare? oh, yummmmmmmy!

    1. Thank you Maggie :). I associate rose hips with having a cold - when I was little my mother used to make me rose hip soup when ever I was under the weather. It was very healthy and I still like it.
      And I chose dammsugare hands down ;) nomnomnomnomnom!

  2. Such lovely light. I've had rose-hip tea, but never soup. Is it worth looking up a recipe?
    Fika days sound lovely, very jealous.

    1. I love rose hip soup, it's very nice hot with a scoop of ice cream in it, and some crackers! Yum! I've never made it from scratch myself though, I usually buy a mixing powder in the store.

  3. My mum used to make rosehip tea, I'm not sure if I ever had any or not and if I liked it or not. You caught the light perfectly here, sometimes it's worth it to wait days (or even weeks) until the lighting is what you want for a photo.
    As for my favourite day of the week...
    Monday's not too bad because it's only the first day of work so I'm still on a high from the weekend. Tuesday's still good because I'm still busy at work from the weekend backlog, so I don't have time to twiddle my thumbs and get bored, Wednesday's 'hump day', so I'm halfway to the weekend - woo! Thursday is getting closer, so the weekend's in sight. Friday is Friday. And Saturday and Sunday are the weekend!
    Saturday is probably my favourite, as it's the weekend, and I know there's still another day of it left!

    1. I love rose hip tea, it's very healthy too, you'r comment got me thinking about it and I think I'll go grab a cup :). Saturdays are really nice, agreed. I just love waking up on a Saturday morning, it's so nice to be able to stay in bed as long as I like and read :)


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