Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 6 - Apple of My Autumn

Here are the apples I promised to show you. We currently only have one apple tree that brings us fruit - since we chopped the other one down and replaced it with two baby ones. But this one has loads of apples. So many in fact, that one of the branches now touches the ground.

Apples are so pretty in Autumn, and we've already made some yummy apple pie. Speaking of pie, maybe I'll try and grow pumpkins next year. I love pumpkin pie too, and it would be pretty cool to try.

I remember one of my friends was planting some flowers in a balcony flower box once. Her sister "helped" and put in a few pumpkin seeds for fun. Ironically the seeds sprouted very fast, and ended up taking over the whole arrangement. She got a lot of pumpkins. What's even more ironic though, is that all of them, despite their appearance, tasted really bad. I guess I'll have to do some research before I choose which seeds to buy haha.



  1. You're so lucky to have such a productive apple tree! And apple pie for the making! The picture seems overly contrasty/harsh to me, making it seem more flattened. The focus also seems to be further back, on one of the partially hidden apples, making it harder to find - though I realize that none of them are totally visible. As for pumpkins, I think from experience that they are more fun to watch grow than to eat, and a lot more effort to preparing them for pie than it's worth. Easier to go out and buy canned pumpkin, add your own spices and ingredients and bake it. YUM! Now I'm craving some pumpkin pie and whipped cream!

    1. It looks a lot harcher on my phone as I write now. Maybe I have to callibrate my monitor. Thank you :)

    2. There, I've re calibrated my monitor and toned it down a notch. Thanks for the help :)

  2. The apple doesn't show on the posting thread hurry and fix the problem !!!

  3. Colourful and balanced light, good work

  4. One of the things I wish I had is an apple tree, but here about the best you can do is citrus.

    1. A citrus tree... That would be cool, if we ever build a glassed-in porch, I'll buy one :)

  5. Nice to see a shot with so many apples on the branch. I do think you probably should have focused on the front apple as otherwise it is difficult to find the focus point. Fun story about the pumpkin seeds. I like Carol would suggest buying it in a can, but I can see growing them just for the prettiness. :-)

    1. Thank you. Yes, I agree with you, but I had a lot to do that day, and I didn't see my mistake until it was too late to fix it.

  6. I am just amazed that you do not have bird peck marks. If I should make it past that, then the squirrels steal my goodies, just the day before I would take it. You must be talented in more than one way.

    1. Nope, the apples usually don't get eaten, the cherries however are a whole different story!

  7. It's been a long time since I've seen apples on a tree! Takes me back to when I was a little girl in the orchard at home :)
    Nothing beats a freshly picked apple, warm from the sun, crunchy and juicy.... Ahhhh I'm drooling!

    1. We had a lot of apple trees as I grew up too. It's nice to have home grown fruit again :)

  8. You have the lovely snowwhite red apples. And so many. Our appletree blossomed fantastic but so far only 10 small apples made it to harvest time.

    1. It was like that last year with ours. It blossomed too early - the bees weren't really awake at the time, so the harvest turned out small.

  9. I miss having fruit trees in the yard. They can be a mess and draw a lot of wasps if you don't keep the fruit cleaned up.

    1. Oh boy, this year has been terrible, there has been so many wasps! At one point we couldn't eat outside without there being at least three around at all times, no matter how many we whacked.


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