Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 2 - Dressing Warmly

Thank you all for your kind comments. I'm still feeling under the weather, but better than yesterday. I'm dressing warmly and drinking tea.

Autumn is in the air now, as we say here in Sweden. The sun is shining, but you can smell a certain aroma that gives the Autumn away. The air is cooler too, and a bit damp. The fact that Mr has finally put a blanket inside his duvet covers is also a clear indicator. Autumn has come...

I don't really have anything against Autumn, it's the cold of winter that I'm dreading, and the long dark nights (spare me!). Autumn is a prelude to that, but in itself, it's not that bad. At least not in sunny days like this, and it's very pretty when the leaves start to change color. I just have to let go of the fact that Winter's coming (Moaha, there! It took one day before I snuck that into here, I love Game of Thrones!) and enjoy those last days of warmth and color.



  1. Great texture and the pattern makes a lovely slash across the frame, studded with those buttons. Looks great!

  2. Very nice composition and detail in your capture of the white sweater. So far I'm loving the sweater and tea. I can't wait for fall to arrive here (such that it does...)!

  3. Great texture and the buttons give some additional interest to the frame. I'm looking forward to the color change of Autumn and then I'm locking myself in my cave until Spring.

    1. Yup, I'll lock myself in too, I just hate it when it's just as dark when I'm off to work as it is when I get home, it makes me feel like a bat. Maybe I'll install a bar to hang from in my cave haha.

  4. Sorry, you are still feeling a bit under. I am not happy that autumn is here either, because as you, it means that winter is on its way. We had a pretty bad summer. It rained so much and to think the cold is coming is not making me happy.

    I already know from your last 30 day challenge that your blog will be one of my favorite places to visit every day this month. Wonderful texture in the sweater and using the buttons as a way to move our eyes through the image makes it that much better. Feel better,
    Maggie - Eury

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Maggie, rainy summers are just the worst. Ours was fantastic, maybe we got your sunny days too, sorry! I was away traveling through most of it though, so I missed out a bit. But hey, maybe you can find the sun somewhere down south too ;)

      How kind of you to say! Now I'll definitely have to pull through and make it this time too, and, knowing that will most definitely motivate me to do my very best. Thank you, you've made my day :)

  5. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better! Very much in theme, and I love there's a back story as well (and the GoT reference was gold too!).
    My first impression when I saw the photo was that the buttons looked sharp and dangerous! Maybe because I'd just been viewing a cheese grater photo.
    I'm sure at the end of this, you'll have a nice, warm feeling poster. Take care of yourself too!

    1. Thank you Megan, I'm glad you like my ramblings. I'll try and ramble on in an entertaining way :)

  6. I love the diagonals, the knittingpattern shows very well and the off white colour looks just right.

    This also reminds me of my knittingyears BP (before photoshop) and looking at the pattern the skill almost comes alive again.

    1. I'm so impressed with people who knit. I've made a few attempts, I even knitted a cap, mittens and a scarf for Mr one Christmas, but, ummm, they didn't really turn out the way I planned haha. The scarf won't stop curling up and the mittens look like they are different sizes. The fact that he still wore them tells me that I married the right man :)

  7. I really like how the line of the sweater is curved. The buttons really add interest!


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