Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 11 - Little Bells

So, strangely enough brown got my attention again today. The light made those little wilted flowers glow so prettily against the grey behind it. The sun is quite low when I go home from work nowadays, it creates interesting shadows and brings out beautiful nuances of color.

This was one of those, "perfect photo moments". You know, a moment when you find something you really really like, and you don't care how stupid you look, shooting a wilted plant, in your own street, crouching down like like some maniac, blocking the sidewalk entirely. My neighbors must think I'm crazy :)



  1. Awesome shot, lovely DOF. And the "perfect shot" description suits perfectly my feelings while going around the town!

    1. Thank you, I knew I couldn't be the only one haha :)

  2. Very old masterly combination of shapes and textures, all those different brown tones work well together.

  3. This is wonderful, Natalie. you have such a good natural eye and just know what works. This type of photo is one of the reasons that I love photography because it stops you in your tracks and makes you see beauty in the most unexpected places. Yes, even in the left-over skeleton of a once pretty flower. It's very lovely!

    1. Thank you, that means a lot coming from you, I love your photos.

  4. Perhaps crazy, but when they see what you have captured they soon understand. I am sure you have had people walk up to you and ask what do you see? They know it is a gem, and want to see it too.

    1. Not that often, but yes :). It's fun when they do.

  5. Beautiful image! (The little bit of green in the upper right corner is driving me crazy and I would have had to either crop or clone it out but that is just me) The thought driving me lately when taking my photo walks is to "follow the light". All the great images are about the lighting. I try and walk slowly and enjoy seeing even the smallest thing. It becomes a meditation and is quite enjoyable when it works.

    1. Haha, didn't think of that little green thing, but now that you've pointed it out, I feel the same way, thanks :).

      I like to do that too, and I completely agree about the light. Just last night a relative of mine wanted me to shoot a flower. My response was, "Naaah, the lighting is just terrible in here, it wont turn out well"

  6. the colours on the two sides look beautiful and the the flower
    the photo's feels like been ageing.

  7. This is so pretty (yes, even for a dead thing)! I didn't notice the green until it was mentioned, and now that's what I see of course, and I kind of which the bottom ws more in focus, but I know it was probably impossible to do so without bringing the background more into focus. So I'm going to summarise it up with 'lovely' :)


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