Saturday, June 8, 2019

Day 39 - Solitude

As you enter Castel Sant'Angelo you'll pass by some wrought iron bars that section off small rooms. That is where I noticed this urn, all alone in a corner, with the light hitting it beautifully from the side. It's probably not special in any way - there was no explanation or plaque to tell me about it - but the scene was one of those that screamed "shoot me!". The light conditions - quite dark - had me wondering if I'd manage to pull it off, but the metal bars turned out to be excellent helpers. So I held my breath, steadied the lens on (and through) the bars and hoped for the best. I was happily surprised that it turned out to be free of motion blur and crystal sharp. It's weird, but this is one of my favorite shots from our trip... It's not of anything special or unique in any way, but that lighting... I really like its interplay with the urn and the wall behind it :)



My Father, a Tribute to a Kind Man

This blog post is going to be longer than usual, and even so, how can one summarize one's feelings and memories of a person within the p...