Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 56 - Arco di Costantino

This triumphal arch - Arco di Costantino - can also be found near the Palatine Hill, just like Circus Maximus. It's actually right by the Colosseum, but I wanted the arch to be the star of this shot, so I turned my back on the stadium and shot the arch from between the two. Arco di Costantino is the largest of its kind in Rome, 21 meters high. It commemorates Constantine I's victory over Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312 AD.



  1. Hmm, did you notice that it seems to be leaning (optical illusion)? Maybe it was really the battle of Piza (ha - groan)? ;-)

    1. Piza, hmmm. It must have been :).

      Hmmm hard to tell, the grass seems level but the arch looks crooked. It may be optical, yes.


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