Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 45 - Geometry in Photography

As I started shooting for more than plain old fun, as a newbie wannabe hobby photographer, I found it hard to use composition and perspective to improve my photos, but as the years have gone by, it has become something I can't shut off anymore. Using Geometry in photography is fun! This shot from a courtyard at Castel Sant'Angelo got me thinking about that.

Fist off, geometric shapes (circles, squares, rectangles etc.) are lovely things to incorporate into photography. It's something that draws you into a picture whether you're aware of it or not. As you can see, this shot has several shapes in it, and I think that's part of why I find it so attractive. And besides, as an old math nerd I always love it when photography and math come together.

Apart from the shapes, this shot is mathematical in another way as well - the classic rule of thirds can be applied to it too. I especially enjoy how the diagonal lines of the stone  railing connects two hotspots together and how the rectangle that is outside the bust's arch fits inside the middle lateral third. I hope you like it too :)



  1. Very nice! Is that Archimedes in the center? ;-)


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