I've always loved this shot. It spot on shows just how this person is. I've never known quite what to do with it in post-ed though. It never occurred to me to try B&W, yet it proved the best choice - the building behind the subject is a bit too dominant, and this way it does not steal the attention away from her. It's much better this way.
So this concludes my week of square cropped black and white portraits. I was worried I wouldn't make it - not all pictures do well as square crops - but I managed to find seven of them. It's been an interesting challenge.
I don't know it the challenge will continue one more week yet, we'll see. But I'll keep the possibility in mind and have a think on what theme to go for.
This is a lovely shot, and the black and white removes some of the red ruddiness form her face that the original seems to show. Not sure whether the white balance was not quite right, but this way, the processing really makes her look serene and very young. I wouldn't have picked her as a mum! Very sweet expression!