Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day 24 - The Chenonceau Gardens

Just like Château de Villandry, Chenonceau has beautiful gardens. They might not be quite as large, but they're just as lovely. Places like this makes me think of novels like Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. It's been so long since I read it I have forgotten most of it, but I remember that there were several scenes set in gardens, and when I read it I pictured a place like this. So today's picture made me time travel again, just like yesterday's shot.

It also makes me think about how things have changed... Back when the chateau was in its prime there were no smart phones, computers or TVs, and the inhabitants spent their time doing stuff like needlework, riding horses or strolling through the gardens instead. It feels so far removed from how our lives are today, and yet, we're not that different from what they were. We're still the same species, with the same faults and virtues, and yet, those times almost feel like something not only from a fictional novel but a fantasy one. Weirdly, times without electricity feel just as foreign as elves and dragons. Isn't it strange how fast our lives have changed? On the scale of human existence, the speed in which we've evolved the last couple of centuries is astronomical. Our lives have practically gone from fantasy novels to sci-fi RPGs in no time at all. But now I'm starting to get philosophical, and when that mood hits me I ramble quite a bit, so now it's time to end this twaddle of mine.

I hope you're having a wonderful day :)



  1. Lovely photos. Even better narrative. I love Rapunzel!

  2. yawn... Hunh? Did you say something? ;-) Great job on the chateau. I prefer the original flower (softer-looking). :-)

  3. Such intricate gardens. Yikes, you certainly couldn't do anything like that on your own. MadamMtnLion

    1. No, that would be out of my league. They matched the flowers so well too, the colors of the blossoms and the leaves looked so pretty together.

  4. Oh my goodness! When I think you've already outdone yourself and showed us such beautiful country and old castles and such, here you come along with another even more beautiful photo! You really do take stunning photographs!

    1. Oh, thank you! Places like this are a real treat, and it's easy getting stunning pictures of them. I would have loved to have stayed there even longer - I bet it's gorgeous when the sun sets - but we were going to stay in Burgundy that night so, alas, no sunset shots for me.


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