Friday, August 12, 2016

Day 12 - Hear Ye

"Who is this?" You may wonder. Well, it's the announcer of the knights' duel I wrote about yesterday, clad in beautiful green and gesturing powerfully as he captivated the crowd between the clashes :)

This might possibly be the last of the portraits I'll show you from the that wonderful day at the Medieval market (which doesn't mean there isn't more to come). This shot was the one I worried most about. I was afraid that the fake bokeh would be problematic, I mean just look at all those fuzzy details of the subject's costume!

Having done so many of the fake bokeh shots lately, I've learned the ins and outs of the process. The key is to get real close and meticulous with the lasso tool when the background is busy, and looser when it is relatively monotone. My first try to get this right turned out much better than I expected it to. I usually go over it with the clone stamp to smooth the edges after blurring the background, but it required very little work this time. Maybe because I was extra careful with the lasso tool...? It was a huge relief nonetheless.



  1. Great character capture, especially with the timing - nailing his expression spot on.

  2. Doing all that hair is indeed very problematic, as I found out in the last processing challenge when I did the Graphic Safari shots. I did find a tutorial about the Refine Edge tool, which really helps a lot with hair. And the latest version of PS has made that tool even better, I believe, although I haven't tried it since I upgraded.

    Needless to say, this is another fantastic shot, and you have done a great job with the colours, saturation, contrast and especially that background. Very well done!


My Father, a Tribute to a Kind Man

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