Thursday, August 4, 2016

Day 4 - L'artillerie

This was the high-point of the day at the market for Mr. They fired off several of the cannons at noon, and he loves that sort of thing. Him and every other man, teen and boy at the market. The crowd was very exited.

Unfortunately, I didn't get there in time to get a good spot, so I had to resort to holding my camera up and using my rotatable display to try and get a decent shot. I like my height, 170 cm isn't bad, but man, sometimes I wish I was a bit taller... A lot of heads got in the foreground of the shots despite my best efforts, even the perfectly timed one that showed a boom in full bloom. It would have been a slam dunk, but what can you do? It made me ground my teeth a bit, but you can't get everything I guess...

Fortunately, the knights stuck around after the show and I managed to get a few decent shots of them despite everything, I just wish I had gotten that one perfect shot...


  1. Www, great colour in this one. The contrasts and impact of those few splashes of red look fantastic. And the animated way he is holding his hand is very cool too. Great that you managed to get some shots afterwards and yes, the disappointment of missing out on the medal shot can kill, but you will get over that! ;-)

  2. I dig the sheen on his armour and the textures in the stone walls and canon. You processing style is enviable and fantastic.


My Father, a Tribute to a Kind Man

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