Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 22 - "Crimson Light"

Unfortunately, as the Easter holidays are over now, I was back at work today. Don't get me wrong, I really love my work, but I wouldn't say no to a pair of extra days off either. The holidays always go by so quickly!

Everyone was a bit confused today. It's strange how quickly the mind adapts to a new daily routine, and I felt totally lost today. So many little things that usually are second nature felt like a whirlpool of tasks, and it took a while to get back on track. Yet everybody was a bit more rested today, and happily greeted each-other in the corridors, with smiles and sparkles in their eyes.

This is the cool looking lamp I mentioned back in day nine. I finally had the corridor to myself, and could take my sweet time to shoot it from different angles. I hope you like it :)



  1. Wow ! This just hits you in the eye ! Superb.

  2. Very nice. Beautiful warm glowing colour and the curves are lovely. I first thought it was one of those robot vacuum cleaners. Well spotted!

  3. This is awesome, though I don't think you should have mentioned what it is, much better to have left it up to our imaginations - I think it looks like some sort of gaming weapon from a Tron movie :-) whatever it is, it's nice and shiny and I want one :-)

    1. Thanks Craig, I'll let you guess the next time ;) haha

  4. Somehow this reminds me of a stove burner. Clean and rich.

  5. That is a cool lamp, good for you to come back to on a later date.

  6. don't know how I missed this last time I came here, but I have to say it is wonderful!


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